As respiratory illness season approaches, Public Health is making an effort to protect the public earlier by making flu vaccine available as soon as it is received. Beginning in September, flu vaccine will be available at in-house immunization clinics and at various locations around the county with Public Health’s new mobile clinic. The goal is to use the mobile clinic to bring vaccine to our local communities, right where people live.
The mobile clinic plans to visit many townships in Delta and Menominee counties, and scheduling efforts are underway. Public Health will be advertising their upcoming flu clinics on social media and Currently, the mobile clinic is scheduled at the following locations with no appointment necessary:
September 10th-parking lot of the Delta County office (2920 College Ave, Escanaba) from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.(eastern)
September 13th- parking lot of the Delta County office (2920 College Ave, Escanaba) from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.(eastern).
September 16th- Rock Senior Center (3892 W Maple Ridge 37th Rd, Rock) from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.(eastern)
September 27th- Hermansville Senior Center (W5480 1st Street, Hermansville) from 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (eastern)
Medicare, Medicaid, Healthy Michigan and most private insurance can be billed and most clients will have no out-of-pocket cost. For those wanting to pay cash, cost for the flu shot is $30 while high dose flu vaccine is $50. Public Health will also administer vaccine at employer sites upon request. To make an appointment at Public Health or schedule a clinic for your township or employer; call 906-786-4111 (Delta) or 906-863-4451 (Menominee).
Although Public Health will not be holding their Drive Thru flu shot clinic this September, this new approach aims to get vaccine to people earlier and closer to home. Whether at on-site Public Health clinics or at mobile clinic locations, Public Health continues to recognize the need to offer service to those who have difficulty walking. Accommodations are available upon request.