A free informational meeting on work as caregivers will be held Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the George Shiras III Room at the Peter White Library in Marquette, Michigan, and virtually on Zoom, beginning at 5:30 pm.
The 30-minute presentation will outline the roles and responsibilities of caregivers, also know as direct care workers. The presentation will include dinner for participants and will be followed by a question and answer session and other helpful information to find training and resources. Individuals interested in family caregiving are also encouraged to attend. The presentations are made possible through the work of the Caregiver Incentive Project, IMPART Alliance, and Northern Michigan University Center for Rural Health and other community partners along with funding from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund.
“If you know a person in your life that might be a great caregiver, is looking for meaningful work, or is just curious about working as a caregiver, we encourage you to attend this session,” said Shenae Kreps, program manager with the Caregiver Incentive Project. “If you know someone who is retired and looking for something to do, a student who is looking to enhance their skills, or know that you want to develop your skills as a caregiver, for whatever reason, please join us or share information with someone you know.”
“As the number of older adults and individuals with disabilities in need of supports and services continues to grow so does the need for caregivers,” said Eric Paad, founder and president of the Caregiver Incentive Project. “There is a national shortage of direct care workers with Michigan facing a potential shortage of an estimated 36,000 caregivers to serve the growing number of people in need of assistance. Each of us can do our part to help ensure our loved ones and neighbors have the care they need by exploring part-time or full-time work as a caregiver, or even volunteering.”
The sessions are intended to help individuals explore potential work as a direct care worker offering meaningful, flexible employment opportunities. Presentations will include information on roles and responsibilities of caregivers, work settings, core competencies, and information on a day in the life of a caregiver directly from a direct care worker. Following the presentation and question and answer session, individuals will be able to complete a self-assessment outlining their level of interest as well as work with grant coordinators to find training and resources if interested.
The presentation is open to members of the public with an interest in learning more. Individuals who are retired, unemployed, under-employed, high school students, college students, individuals who have served in the military along with their family members, and tribal community members are strongly encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is requested as space is limited. To learn more or register, visit www.caregiverincentiveproject.org/caregiverpipeline/ or contact Shenae Kreps at shenae.kreps13@gmail.com.