Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center opened a Virtual Health Resource Center (VHRC) to help Veterans understand and navigate VA applications on their smart phones and other electronic devices.
Services provided by VHRCs include education, training, information sharing, access to electronic interactivity, and guidance needed by VHA staff, Veterans, and their family members and caregivers to integrate virtual care tools effectively and efficiently into their respective workflows and lives.
The VHRC provides an in-person and virtual resource that educates Veterans on downloading, troubleshooting, and effective utilization of virtual health tools including VA Video Connect, MyHealtheVet and any other VA Mobile Apps.
The vision of the resource center is to improve access to care, care delivery, health outcomes, and provider and Veteran experience via the adoption and use of virtual care tools.
VHRCs are composed of an on-site program lead and health technology experts who support the increased adoption of virtual care at a designated site.
The resource center is located at the Iron Mountain VA Medical Center on the second floor specialty care waiting room, near Telehealth and Optometry, and is open Mondays from 8 a.m. to noon, Wednesdays from noon to 4 p.m. and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
To reach the center by phone, call 1-800-215-8262, ext. 34800, and ask for the VHRC.