Rep. Neil Friske (R-CHarlevoix) says he is fighting back against the extreme left-wing ideology that is being forced into our state budget. For years, both parties have worked across the isle to make our state’s funding as non-partisan and apolitical as possible so that our state may function properly. Now, under emocrat Leadership, things have changed.
“This is absolutely insane precedent!” urged Rep. Friske. “Repealing our state’s ban on vaccine passports sets a dangerous path of what is to come for Michigan!”
Currently, Michigan’s government is not allowed to deny services to citizens based on Covid-19 vaccination status due to a provision inserted into the previous budget for each department. If passed and signed by the governor, the upcoming budget will allow elementary schools to send your child home for being unvaccinated, veteran facilities will be able to deny unvaccinated veterans the help they need, and busses could potentially require proof of vaccine in order to ride.
“Among other terrible things in the budget I could name, there’s definitely quite a few,” said Rep. Friske. “There’s over $20 million for climate change hysteria, $161,000 for DEI Research, and even the creation of a ‘Social Equity Program’ aimed at creating more minorityowned Marijuana Shops… Who comes up with this stuff? In fact, there’s even a single line-item in the budget for the Department of Transportation which establishes a $218,000 salary for a
‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator’! I’d certainly like to learn more about this profession!”
It’s true, some of what the budget includes is:
• $161,000 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research
• $218,000 – Salary: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator (MDOT)
• $2.9 million – Minority Farmer’s Fund
• $10 million – Grants for Small-Business Owners (Minority-Owned)
• $2 million – ‘Immigrant & Refugee Center’
• Creates ‘Social Equity Program’ for licensure in Marijuana Industry
• Over $20 million dollars into various agricultural/businesses to fight climate change
“Another thing that really catches my eye,” started Rep. Friske, “there’s a $10 million grant in there for small business owners. That sounds nice at first, but that catch is, your business isn’t allowed to receive government support if you’re white. Where I’m from, that’s called racism, and I’ll call it as I see it!”
Another provision changed in the education budget is a concern regarding abortion. Teachers will no longer be liable if they convince a child/pregnant teenager to seek out and obtain an abortion.
“This is sick and perverted!” urged Rep. Friske. “Why should a teacher be able to coerce your child into killing her baby without consequence? It’s bad enough that this is the most expensive budget of all time, forcing this infanticidal ideology into our school budget is worse.”
On the topic of abortion, the budget also allows the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) to use taxpayer money for abortion and abortion procedures. Individual Departments are also not allowed to divert money away from abortion.
“The Democrats are even making the taxpayer foot the bill for their phony, election month ideology,” said Rep. Friske. “The state is going to spend $2.5 million to pay pre-postage for mail-in ballots, since apparently it’s too hard to just use a simple stamp.”
The general budget also includes a $5.1 million for the Michigan State Capitol Commission to institute a weapons-ban.
“So now I can’t even carry at work?” asked Rep. Friske. “It was bad enough when they banned my staff from being able to carry earlier this year. Lansing is a bad and rough area. Neither myself, nor my staff, should be subjected to a dangerous area without the God-given right to defend ourselves. Trust me, the threat is not coming from legislators or staffers!”
The budget passed the House of Representatives Tuesday night. Rep. Friske will continue urging his colleagues and fellow taxpayers to hold the state accountable for their actions and prevent further tyranny and infringement.