The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center (OGJVAMC) has contracted with a new wellness service, “Early Alert.” Early Alert is a free, confidential and voluntary resource that checks in with Veterans once a week via text message.
Check-ins involve general questions about sleep, physical health, relationships and financial challenges. If a Veteran identifies struggles during these check ins, Early Alert will instantly refer them to support resources that are specifically relevant for the challenges the Veteran describes, including 24/7 live crisis counseling as needed. Veterans do not need to download an app or even own a smartphone because Early Alert works through text messaging.
OGJVAMC does not provide any Veteran information to Early Alert, and communication between Veterans and Early Alert is not shared with VA, except in situations involving a safety concern. “Our goal was to create a friendly and accessible service that would help Veterans connect with support as soon as they need it,” said Dr. Eran Magen, CEO of Early Alert.
“The great thing about this program is that it’s a really simple way to say, ‘How are you doing?’ and to show Veterans that we’re thinking about them,” said Sharon Anastas, OGJVAMC social worker.
Veterans can enroll in Early Alert online at or by calling 833-634-0770. An Early Alert representative will be onsite at the Iron Mountain VA on the first floor in the primary care waiting room during weekdays to provide education to Veterans about the program and assist with signing up. Questions about Early Alert may be directed to Sharon Anastas at 906-774-3300, ext. 32769.