Congressman Jack Bergman emphasized the need for transparency from the Biden Administration during a House Veteran Affairs Committee hearing.
Recently, the Biden Administration’s VA has been partnering with Democrat voting areas in Michigan in an alleged push to register more Veterans to vote. However, as Rep. Bergman noted, the process has been rife with suspicious activity.
Read Rep. Bergman’s remarks below or watch the full video of his statement here.
“I wholeheartedly support efforts to improve voter registration and participation, especially among our Veterans. As I tell many of the constituents I meet with – I don’t care who you vote for, as long as you vote.
“I’m proud to represent the district that had the highest voter turnout last election, with nearly 390,000 voters showing up to the polls in 2022. However, when federal dollars and employees are involved in voter registration, full transparency is an absolute necessity. And much of VA’s implementation of Executive Order 14019 has raised red flags to those of us on the committee.
“This VA voter registry program is seemingly focusing entirely on a key swing state, with sites exclusively placed in heavily Democrat voting areas, and administered in cooperation with a Michigan Secretary of State that has been vocally opposed to one of the presidential candidates.
“Any appearance of potential political bias must be thoroughly examined and explained so we can be certain that public resources are not being used for partisan gain.
“There are several critical questions that remain unanswered despite the committee’s work and requests for information so far:
- Why was Michigan the only state selected for this program?
- Why have VA voter registry sites only been rolled out in Detroit and Saginaw, and not in facilities like Iron Mountain?
- How are VA employees being trained and communicating with voters?
- And just as importantly – are these new operations at all hindering VA’s ability to deliver care to Michigan’s Veterans?
“The documents being subpoenaed today are critical to answering those questions. I’d also like to point out that this step would not be necessary if VA or the Michigan Secretary of State had been forthright in their responses to committee.
“Put simply: if there is no cause for concern, then show us. Michiganders and the American people deserve certainty, which can only be done with transparency from VA.”