The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center has expanded its Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) in Hancock.
The clinic remains at its current location, 787 Market Street, Suite 9, Hancock.
The added space is designed to improve Veterans’ access to outpatient services by accommodating a third primary care provider, while continuing to offer mental health and various specialty care services through telehealth technology.
The clinic serves one of the most Veteran-dense populations in the Upper Peninsula, providing for the needs of more than 1,700 Veterans in and around Houghton County.
“We are thrilled to expand our service capacity in the Keweenaw,” stated Medical Center Director, John P. Shealey. “Having the space to accommodate a third provider to serve this Veteran population has been a priority for us this last year.”
This is one of eight community outpatient clinics that Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center operates in the Upper Peninsula and northern Wisconsin. Other clinics are located in Menominee, Manistique, Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Hancock, and Ironwood, Michigan and Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
Veterans who are not enrolled in VA services may call 906-774-3300, ext. 32810, to check their eligibility for services at the expanded clinic.