The Salvation Army of Marquette County is need of non-perishable food or monetary donations due to a shortage in their pantry supply.
Multiple factors affect the stock of food available to their clients such as an increase of community members in need, the food prices, and the time of year pertaining to community wide can drive campaigns.
TV6’s Canathon and the Stamp Out Hunger campaign are six months apart, however our need stays consistent throughout the year. We are looking to supplement the two major can drives to help us restock the much needed food pantry.
According to the USDA, at home food prices have risen 5% from 2022 to 2023.
The USDA states,“Average annual food-at-home prices were 5.0 percent higher in 2023 than in 2022. For context, the 20-year historical level of retail food price inflation is 2.5 percent per year.” As a whole, U.S food prices have risen 25% from 2019 to 2023 due to the pandemic.
If you would like do donate food items to the Salvation Army’s pantries in Marquette County, you can drop items off during their business hours at either of their locations. Both locations in Marquette and Ishpeming accept donations between 9:00AM and 4:00PM from Monday to Friday. If you’d like to donate in the Marquette area, the pantry is located on 1009 West Baraga Avenue, Ishpeming accepts donations on 222 East Division Street located in the downtown area. For questions, please call their office at (906) 226-2241.
If you are in Delta and Schoolcraft Counties, they could also use some donations. You can call (906) 786-0590 in Delta and Schoolcraft counties, and that’s also the number you can call if you need assistance. Donations can be made online at in Marquette and Alger Counties, or at in Delta and Schoolcraft Counties.