The Downtown Marquette Farmers Market (DMFM) is looking for farmers, growers, food producers, artisans, musicians, and local community organizations to be part of the 2024 market season. With flexible commitment options for full-time, part-time, and drop-in vendors, there is a wide array of opportunities for prospective vendors. While there is no official deadline for applications, it is first come, first served. The market application is available online at
2024 Season Open Applications
- Saturday Morning Market, May 18 – October 26, 9-1 PM
- Wednesday Evening Market, June 12 – August 28, 5-8 PM
“We look for applicants who are passionate about what they do and are looking to bring an idea to life,” says Market Manager, Brian Shier. “We have options that work great with all vendor types, from vendors looking to start a business, or legacy vendors ready for another great year.”
Interested participants can pick and choose which dates they would like to be considered for, and do not need to commit to every date in a market season. Daily rates range from $25-35. Flexible commitment options include:
- Full-Time Vendors: Typically reserved for legacy vendors, Full-Time Vendors commit to every market for a specific season. Benefits include reduced weekly fees and a dedicated booth for the season duration.
- Part-Time Vendors: Vendors who have a seasonal product, or limited inventory supply are ideal Part-Time Vendors. Benefits included reduced weekly fees and pre-scheduled dates based on the vendor’s availability.
- Drop-In Vendors: New businesses, first-timers, visiting artists, or someone testing an idea make a great Drop-In Vendor. We will ask for your availability and notify you shall any openings arise.
All products available for sale at the market must be made by those selling them. No kits, imports, or re-sale items are permitted. Priority is placed on those who use local ingredients and products. Examples of products eligible to be sold at the market include:
- Michigan agricultural products grown, raised, or gathered by the applicant, including hemp and certain types of CBD products with appropriate licensing
- Made from scratch food products, including products produced under the Michigan Cottage Food Law
- Originally created non-food artisan products, created by the artist. No kits, imports, or re-sale items are permitted
For full details about who is eligible to participate and what products can be sold, please refer to the Market Policies on the market’s website.
The market also welcomes applications from non-religious or non-politically affiliated community organizations to be featured at The Community Table during the Saturday Market season. The Free Community Table will be available for local entities whose mission aligns with local food system values or art. Additional terms and conditions apply as laid out at
Musicians are also central to creating a welcoming environment for market shoppers. This year musicians will be compensated for Saturday morning and Wednesday evening performances. Experienced, interested musicians are encouraged to submit an application.
More information about benefits, offerings, and rates for vendors is available on the market’s website