The Salvation Army 2023 Red Kettle Campaign has kicked off in Dickinson County.
This is the only fundraiser they do in the community to support the services proviided throughout the year. All funds stay in the county they are donayed in.
In 2022, 250 individuals (161 adults & 89 children) benefitted from Thanksgiving food boxes.
At Christmas 484 individuals (210 adults & 274 children) received Christmas food boxes and 595 received Christmas assistance. 2 hours of bellringing used to feed a family of 4 for a week and of course times have changed with increased food we need your support now more than ever.
Another unique way to give back is to allow employees to give an hour or two to ring during work. You could match a kettle or you could have coworkers do a competition. They ring from Monday thru Saturday from 10 AM to 8 PM November 10th thru December 24th. The shifts are 2 hours long and we have several locations to ring. Contact the Bell Ringing Coordinator at (906) 221-4301 or (906) 221-7559.