The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center (OGJVAMC) will host an informational townhall on Thursday, December 15, beginning at 5 p.m. CST at the Bay de Noc Community College West Campus in Iron Mountain, MI.
The townhall will focus on the PACT Act, a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange and other toxic substances. Thousands of Veterans, their families and their survivors in the Upper Peninsula and northern Wisconsin could be positively impacted by this landmark legislation.
This event is part of a national VA PACT Act Week of Action. The Veteran Townhall will feature a 30-minute speaking program, including information from OGJVAMC Enrollment and Eligibility, the Dickinson County Veteran Service Officer and the Veterans Benefits Administration. Iron Mountain VAMC executive leadership will be present and there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions following the presentation.
This event will also be live streamed on Facebook. To watch the townhall live, visit the Iron Mountain VA Medical Center Facebook page at 5 p.m. CST on Thursday, December 15.
The goal of the townhall is to help Veterans understand how the PACT Act will possibly expand their health care and benefits and how to access those options.