Congratulations to Laura Johnson, Bay College’s quarterly (March 2022 – May 2022) TORCH Award winner. Johnson has served as the Executive Administrative Assistant to the President and Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees since 2007.
Prior to that role, she worked in the Library from 2000-2007 and the Financial Aid Office from 1993-2000. She supports the Bay College mission by her exceptional communication skills, outstanding customer service, positivity, and helpfulness to all.
Johnson was nominated by one of her co-workers and is recognized for her work as noted in the following:
“Laura is extremely reliable and one of the best communicators we have on campus. She serves on teams and committees that benefit from her strengths, like the Records Retention committee. On top of that, she is always positive and kind when interacting with others.”
“The outstanding performance that I witness from Laura is with communication. Not only on a personal level and one-to-one, but also in communicating important information from the President’s office, PAC, and the Board of Trustees. Because what she does is so important (would not be okay to not be done to the highest of standards) and she has done it well for so long, I think we sometimes take for granted just how proactive of a worker Laura is in making sure that she gets all meeting minutes distributed so promptly. She is extremely skillful in taking notes and minutes for the most important of meetings. On top of collaborating with coworkers, the board, and the public, with consistently exceptional customer service, positivity, helpfulness and clarity.”
“I think that Laura’s general approach to her work at Bay (open-minded, problem-solver, positive, kind, clear communication), is evidence of how much she believes in the college’s mission. She knows the importance of her work and how it connects to serving Bay’s students.”
Johnson is a huge contributor to Bay’s positive culture and she lives Bay College’s mission (Student Success, Community Success, Culture of Success) every day as an employee.
The purpose of the TORCH Award is to give personal recognition to those employees on Bay College’s campuses dedicated to the mission of the College because of their attitude, commitment, and dedication toward the higher education learning environment. TORCH stands for: Team Player; Outstanding Performance; Responsive to Others; Conscientious to Mission of Bay; Helpful to All. For career opportunities at Bay College, visit Bay College’s website at