A local thrift store is offering a limited amount of free mattresses to those in the area unable to afford a bed.
St. Vincent de Paul District (SVdP) of Marinette is currently offering a Beds for Those in Need program to offer community members in need a new mattress to ensure everyone in our area has a place to sleep comfortably.
“Many may take for granted the fact that they don’t have to sleep on a couch or bed-bug-ridden mattress,” said Ashley Berken, SVdP Executive Director. “Not having a proper place to sleep is a ripple effect for our neighbors in need. It affects schoolwork, job performance, and both physical and mental health.”
SVdP created this program to help those struggling in our community reach a point of stability and help pull them out of poverty. To qualify for a mattress, individuals can contact their local SVdP conference to schedule a home visit to discuss their family’s needs. In addition to beds, the conferences are available for potential financial assistance, clothing vouchers, gas vouchers, and more.
If you or someone you know needs help, please contact your local helpline listed at svdpmarinette.com/helplines.
St. Vincent de Paul is located in Downtown Marinette and is home to the area’s largest thrift store and food pantry. SVdP is also a transitional employer, giving individuals struggling to get back into the workforce take that first step to gain experience. At SVdP, no act of charity is foreign. From vouchers to employment, to monetary assistance, we are there to help.