Kristina Karamo, a mother and college professor from the metro Detroit area, has entered the race to be elected as Michigan’s next Secretary of State.
“Running to be Secretary of State is not a ‘career move’ for me”, said Karamo. “I am running to remove corruption from our elections and from the Michigan SOS office. That corruption is a real threat to our survival as a state and as a nation. A secure election is how we the people, give our consent to be governed.”
After the tumultuous 2020 election cycle, Karamo decided that entering politics was the best route to accomplish the effect needed and significant changes to our election system.
She has become a familiar voice on national and local media through her many appearance on news programs such as The Sean Hannity Show, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Fox & Friends and on Let it Rip on Fox-2 Detroit. She has also testified before the Michigan Legislature regarding election integrity.
“The gap between promises made by candidates and promises actually kept by those elected has always been a concern, but the current Secretary of State may have set an all-time record for failed promises,” said Karamo. “My commitment to voters will be to keep my promises. I truly believe my conservative ideas and values better align with voters across Michigan.”
Learn more about Karamo here She currently serves as a Michigan Republican Party State Committeewoman, as a member of Michigan’s 14th District Republican Executive Committee, and as a board member for Stanton International’s Detroit Affiliate.
“Citizens across Michigan have a strong interest in investing their time and money to fix what did not work well for voters in 2020,” said Karamo. “I am running to join forces with the many patriots across Michigan who are fighting to protect our liberties now, and protect our liberties for future generations.