Delta County has declared itself a sanctuary county from Michigan’s COVID-19-related business restrictions.
That’s according to County Commissioner Dave Moyle, who took to Facebook Monday night to say that he wants to go even farther, as Baraga County did on Monday. Moyle says the unanimous vote of the county board on Monday shows that the restrictions on business activity have gone on too long.
“The wording of the resolution is strong, but it is not near as strong as a letter sent to our governor from the Baraga County board of commissioners,” Moyle posted. “Neither county had any knowledge that the other was doing similar activities. People have had enough, and we are at the end of our rope with the governor.”
He says the resolution does declare that Delta County is “a sanctuary county for businesses that have been effected by the COVID-19 shut downs”.
Moyle tells RRN News that the vote does not mean the county won’t follow COVID-19 precautions. For example, he said that the county still following a mask mandate in county property.
The governor, through the Department of Health and Human Services, has had bars and restaurants closed to in-person dining since mid-November. Bowling alleys and theaters were allowed to reopen just before Christmas, but are not allowed to sell food or drink, which brings in a large amount of those business’s revenue.
Those restrictions are scheduled to end this Friday, but Moyle predicted that “she (Gov. Whitmer) will double down on her already stubborn philosophy which is based on political partisanship”.
Whitmer has repeatedly said that all of her actions are being done with the goal of slowing the spread of the virus, and are meant to save lives.
Resolution of Support Bar, Tavern and Restaurant Owners
Whereas that the members of the Delta County Commission stand in unison with the tax paying business owners of Delta County Michigan.
Whereas the owners of restaurants, bars, taverns and other establishments have been forcibly shut down by executive orders given by the Governor of the State of Michigan
Whereas these establishments have been given no consideration or compensation by Lansing.
Whereas the Delta County Board of Commissioners recognizes that a citizen of the United States cannot be compelled to follow an unconstitutional law, or mandate such as the illegal and unevenly applied directives by Director Gordon, people are not compelled to patronize any such establishment
Whereas the members of the Delta County Board of Commissioners recognize and are sympathetic to the fiscal hardships caused by the mandated shut downs,
Whereas the Michigan Supreme Court has ruled that the COVID -19 shut downs are unconstitutional, and the 9th amendment of the Bill of Rights, states the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be Construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people
Whereas the members of the Delta County Board of Commissioners declares Delta County Michigan a sanctuary county for businesses affected by the unconstitutional COVID-19 mandated shut downs
Whereas the Board recognizes the fact that the local Sheriff and Prosecutor have no desire to attack the civil liberties of persons simply trying to make an honest living.
Whereas this Board understands that Lansing has used the Department of Public Health and Liquor Control Commission to advance the political agenda of the Governor
Whereas Delta County Board of Commissioners understands that universally educated people, the citizens and taxpayers of Delta County are intelligent and informed individuals and do not need Lansing to bully or harass them into following any unconstitutional directives
Be it resolved therefore the duly elected members of the Delta County Board of Commissioners serve the citizens of Delta County and shall support no endeavor financially, or through ordinance that will in any way single out, harm, or discriminate against any business owner that opens their establishment with the responsible PPE and social distancing.
Be it finally resolved that this resolution does not have the power of Michigan Compiled Law and it can not be used to avert the MLCC or MDPH.